About Me:

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My name is Sara Chantland and I am a 27-year-old 3D Generalist and Illustrator. I am a graduate of Computer Animation graduate from Ringling College of Art + Design as of 2016. My main focus is within Visual Development and 3D Generalization. Animals are what I prefer to draw 90% of the time, and I draw huge inspiration from artists such as Aaron Blaise, Ken Hultgren, and numerous digital painters that I looked up to (and still do) on deviantArt. 

Here, you can view all of my work of which is not only my strongest work, but will show my improvements as well. I am currently in search of employment in the animation field, preferably in the UK because I feel it is time for me to stretch my legs and view more of the world. 

I study Spanish and Japanese for fun and once I get the hang of the latter, I plan to move on to Russian! (Three different language groups!) It is my hope that I will be able to connect to others not only through art, but in actual speech as well. 

Original font Surfing Capital for the "Blue Lemmonade" © "The Branded Quotes" on Dafont.com, edited by me.